Nationaal zorgstoffenbeleid
Control of industrial discharges and emissions
In 2019 heeft Bureau KLB in opdracht van én in samenwerking met het RIVM de wettelijke beheersing van industriele emissies en lozingen in kaart gebracht in Noordrijn-Westfalen (Duitsland), in Vlaanderen en Wallonie (Belgie) en in Nederland.
Over het rapport:
- The report aims to provide insight into the ways in which industrial emissions (to the air) and discharges (into the water) are controlled in NRW (DE), Flanders and the Walloon region (BE) and the Netherlands.
- Separate chapters contain full descriptions of the different countries and regions (chapters 2 to 4 and Annex A). These chapters all have the same structure.
- Each of these chapters opens with a summarising introduction.
- The final chapter (5) provides a comparative overview.
- For optimal access to all underlying legal and policy documents and monitoring data, the references in the annexes in the report (as well as most of the figures in this
report) are linked to the URLs of the source material.
National Policies on Substances of Concern
In 2017 hebben Bureau KLB en Ameco nationaal zorgstoffenbeleid van zes EU lidstaten in kaart gebracht, met oog op bekendheid, uitwisseling en mogelijke toekomstige samenwerking. De zes lidstaten zijn: Belgie, Denemarken, Duitsland, Frankrijk, Zweden en Nederland. De studie is uitgevoerd in opdracht van het ministerie van IenM en het RIVM.
Klik hier voor rapport.
Bureau KLB and Ameco have carried out study on national policies on substances of concern in six selected EU Member States, with an eye on improved insight, exchange and possible future cooperation. The six EU Member States are: iBelgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands. The study was commissioned by the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment and the RIVM.